(Laura & Paul pic taken at Winthrop, in eastern WA, this summer. The "other side of the mountains" from where we live. )
Hi Everybody! Hello from the land of Happy & Goldie Dogs.. (the best place in the world to be for ME) Things are well here in the land of dogs, backyard wildlife habitat work, and cool Seattle nights. Paul continues his daily bike commute and continued support of his wife following her dreams. One of her dreams is to help, share, and listen to the people she loves and cares about as well as her community. Lately, she/me is becoming a professional volunteer if there is such a thing. Days become filled with volunteer meetings, activities, and projects. Good news is that volunteering has been linked to HELPING the economic crisis, yay! See article below~
According to the Independent Sector, the estimated dollar value of volunteer time is $19.61. The same source states that 83.9 million (44 percent) of American adults volunteer, representing the equivalent of more than 9 million full-time employees, a value of $239 billion!Do a little soul-searching and start by looking at some tips for finding the best volunteer position:- Research the causes or issues important to you. - Assess the skills you have to offer.- Decide if you want your volunteer experience to be a way to learn something new.- Find a position that fits with your schedule.If you are thinking of volunteering, but think you don't have time, or haven't made the first move, consider a short-term or episodic event. Or organize a drive among your friends and family. There is always a need for food, toys or seasonal items such as coats.Many people are also using a celebration as a way to collect items: for an 80th birthday party, the host asked guests to bring non-perishable food to donate to the food pantry. Books for a preschool instead of gifts were the request of an 11-year-old for her birthday. Newlyweds decided against
wedding favors and, using the money they have saved, made a donation to a charity.Of the many websites that list volunteer positions, you can check out our own. Check out the links in the right rail of Helping Hands for state and national volunteer-matching resources. This is in no way expected of you, my dear friends. Having a career and family will always be just as important. Just thought I would share the latest news on the volunteer scene. Other thoughts I am having today and would like to share with you are on various books, movies, music, and tips that have inspired me as of late. Enjoy! I always look forward to hearing from you and hearing/reading YOUR thoughts as well. Be WELL, Be HAPPY, and know you are cared for in this part of the world. My Best, Laura aka volunteer dog mama, phdog
Peggy Pritchard ओल्सन
Music:any album by
Gary Juleshttp://www.music-of-benares.com/ ( sitar music at it's best)
Books: "Juicy Pens Thirsty Paper" by
SARKWebsites:http://www.susanrothschildart.com (check out Susan's pet art/tiles!)
http://www.bartrulon.com/ ( Bart wanted to be Marlin Perkins when he was a kid!)
http://tomjahnssticksandstones.com/ ( Tom is a natural with his naturally made furnishings)
http://www.snooter-doots.com/ ( soon to be the next big craze on the East coast!)
http://www.earthartinternational.com/ ( our friend Sue, she is a marvelous person with amazing artwork, to be worn by all!)
http://www.woolpets.com/ ( A WA couple created the handiest, dandiest way to start felt making.. all levels for all learners child to adult..)
http://www.spoonsisters.com (fun items from party nose cups to alphabet ice cube trays)
http://www.supercook.com/Quotes:"We should all do what, in the long run, gives us joy, even if it only picking grapes or sorting the laundry." ~E.B. White
Tips/Suggestions:http://www.swapthing.com ( who doesn't love to swap stuff!?)
http://odtmaps.com (free maps, stickers, and more)
http://www.blurb.com/ (make your own book, tell YOUR story!)
Top Ten reasons to Buy Local 1. Keep money in our community: Significantly more money re-circulates locally when purchases are made at locally owned, rather than nationally owned businesses. This multiplier is due in part to locally owned businesses purchasing more often from other local businesses, service providers and farms. Purchasing local helps grow other businesses as well as the local tax base. (A 10/04 study shows that locally-owned businesses generate a premium in enhanced economic impact—For every $100 spent at a locally owned business, $45 goes back into the community and our tax base. For every $100 spent at a chain store, only $14 comes back).
2. Support community groups: Non-profit organizations receive an average 250% more support from smaller locally-owned business owners than they do from large businesses.
3. Keep our community unique. Where we shop, where we eat and have fun—all of it makes our community home. Our one-of-a-kind businesses are an integral part of the distinctive character of this place. Our tourism businesses also benefit. “When people go on vacation they generally seek out destinations that offer them the sense of being someplace, not just anyplace.” ~ Richard Moe, President,
National Historic Preservation Trust
4.Reduce environmental impact: Locally owned businesses can make more local purchases requiring less transportation and generally set up shop in town or city centers as opposed to developing on the fringe. This generally means contributing less to sprawl, congestion, habitat loss and pollution.
5. Create more good jobs: Small local businesses are the largest employer nationally and in our community, provide the most jobs to residents.
6. Get better service: Local businesses often hire people with a better understanding of the products they are selling and take more time to get to know customers.
7. Invest in community: Local businesses are owned by people who live in this community, are less likely to leave, and are more invested in the community’s future.
8. Put your taxes to good use: Local businesses in town centers require comparatively little infrastructure investment and make more efficient use of public services as compared to nationally owned stores entering the community.
9. Buy what you want, not what someone wants you to buy: A marketplace of tens of thousands of small businesses is the best way to ensure innovation and low prices over the long-term. A multitude of small businesses, each selecting products based not on a national sales plan but on their own interests and the needs of their local customers, guarantees a much broader range of product choices.
10. Encourage local prosperity: A growing body of economic research shows that in an increasingly homogenized world, entrepreneurs and
skilled workers are more likely to invest and settle in communities that preserve their one-of-a-kind businesses and distinctive character.
HOW TO HELP THE ECONOMY IN YOUR OWN LITTLE WAY....1. Get people’s IRS returns back to them as quickly as humanly possible. The faster you get them their returns, the faster they’re going to blow it all and bring a big boost into the economy. If they save that money, that helps the banking systems to keep up with the crappy loans they gave out to people with bad credit. It’s a win/win situation and isn’t too much work on the government’s party.
2. Change the bankruptcy code. How? Well – for starters since bankruptcy codes are a federal institution (Article 1, Section 8, Clause 4), this is a job for Congress. What should they do? First, make it more difficult to file for voluntary bankruptcy. Next, don’t allow their credit score to simply disappear after any number of years – have it work like everyone elses, don’t change it just because they got them into a massive mess. Thirdly, make certain that anyone who files for bankruptcy or is forced into bankruptcy is forced to pay back the entirety of their debt, not merely a fraction of it. Perhaps require that all their wages sans a median amount deemed as “the living percentage” by the bankruptcy code goes towards paying off their debt. Basically, let them keep enough for food and shelter, that’s about it.
3. Don’t give loans to people with terrible credit. They’re not going to pay it back and abusing the bankruptcy system to make a profit is terrible. I’m not sure how one would legislate this, but perhaps a boycott of bad lenders may be in order. Perhaps states can individually collect databases with the
average credit score of the people receiving loans from any bank, credit union, or other
money lending agency registered in said state. Make this required information that the bank, credit union, or other money lending agency is forced to disclose to potential members/customers. If I know a
money lender is loaning money to anyone with the ability to sign their name, I may not trust them as much as people who are more selective in those they provide loans.
4. Lower
property taxes. If it’s easier and less expensive to own a house, more people will be able to do it. Homeowners build wealth and tend to be more stable and able to spend
more money into the economy.
5. Find a way to cut wasteful federal and state spending so that all around taxes can be lowered. A lower tax burden means more
cash in hand for the average American.
6. Temporarily lift the federal tax on gasoline. Lift it until the end of April, then bring it back at the exact same levels – no more, no less. I realize this will be a loss in revenue for the
federal government, but the nearly 20 cents per gallon people will save will add up rapidly at every fillup. Perhaps states like
New York that have 50 cents per gallon in taxes could lift that tax simultaneously for the same two month period. This would lower
gas prices in New York down to almost $2.50 a gallon – saving the average driver approximately 10 bucks a week. It may not seem like much, but it can add up to almost a hundred by the end of the two month period, which is a nice addition to the person’s pockets.
I’m sure you can come up with other ideas to help stimulate our economy – that won’t cost the federal government hundreds upon hundreds of millions in an attempt to give people back a
free check just for existing.